A solo taken by Kimi
Monthly Archives: August 2017
N’erhumwum N’ima Hia by Ezomo John O and Okojie Matthew (Key G)
Maria n’iye Jesu ruese….
Yamba Yamba Yamba Yahvwe (Key G)
Ojima Ch’eyi Ojo by Jude Nnam (Key Ab)
Ojima Ch’eyi Ojo kidatate
No Friend like Jesus (Key F)
There is non like Jesus, there was none and there’ll be none, His glory and honor sound while ages roll….
It pays to serve Jesus
It pays to serve Jesus, I speak from my heart…
In Thanksgiving and Love by Jude Nnam (key Bb)
Oh! yes, in the presence of the Lord, I will bring my gifts in thanksgiving and Love….