Monthly Archives: December 2017

MUST HAVE!!!! – Top 3 Mimo and Odo Aguntan 2017

Yoruba Liturgical Music is becoming more beautiful over the years and in 2017 due to the Forum of Liturgical Music(F.I.L.M) Held in Owerri there have emerged more beautiful and brilliant songs especially in the Parts of Mass namely:

  1. Sanctus (Mimo) and
  2. Agnus Dei (Odo Aguntan)

Below are the Top 3 Composed this year in and out of the competition in no particular Order. It is arranged by Composer

Emre & Victus

Now Ehimanre Asuelinmen and Victus Eze are two brilliant musicians from the University of Lagos, they are arguably the best composing collaborators of 2017 having 5 songs between them this year alone. Which Include;

1. Mimo
2. Odo Aguntan
3. Kaabo (With Banjo Adeboye)

Mimo and Odo Aguntan (Emre and Victus)

The Mimo was Composed in Majorly Afro beat pattern with a Solemn intro, It was first Performed by Unilag in the 2017 FILM

This Kind of Music can elevate any mass and put the congregation in high spirits, which is good for the Mass.

Click here to download PDF – Mimo l’Oluwa – Ehimanre & Victus

The Odo Aguntan was composed in the Traditional Ibadan Bata style in the minor mode which gives it a majestic grace coupled with unresolved picardi thirds which portray a tingling feeling of emptiness required to put you in the right mood for penitence.

Click here to download PDF – Odo Aguntan Olorun – Ehimanre & Victus

Charles Onwubuya

This composer is arguably the most intriguing this year with beautiful songs which include;

1. Ikechukwu

2. Abu Umu Zayon

3. Nohuaren

4. Chekwube (With Dr. John Ezomo)

Mimo and Odo Aguntan (Charles Onwubuya)

The Mimo and Odo Aguntan Composed by Charles are mainly of Ibadan Bata Style with a feeling of modern Yoruba Contemporary music. Best sung in Local Yoruba Loose Lipped style of singing to give it more flavour.

Download the PDF – Mimo BY Onwubuya Charles

Download the PDF – Odo Aguntan BY Onwubuya Charles

Obioha Ogbonna

A young and largely unknown composer, with a couple of beautiful songs this year. Which Include;

  1. Keresimesi Ti De ( With Banjo Adeboye)
  2. Ruhumai Eucharisti
  3. Haleluya (Him don bless me)

He has an Adept Usage in counterpoint movement and techniques coupled with his ability to use choral harmony to bring out the best of the melodic lines which are sometimes called “Melodious Harmonies”.

Mimo and Odo Aguntan (Obioha Ogbonna)

The Mimo is purely afro beat style with a little feeling of Sunny Ade, the ostinato under the solo line is another attest to his understanding of Counterpoints and it takes the meaning of Sanctus to a whole other level.

DOWNLOAD THE PDF – Mimo 3x (O.O,M VIII) – Obioha Ogbonna

The Odo Aguntan is of the Ibadan Afro-beat style a soulful melody and a beautiful harmony.

He uses both the Major and Minor scale in the song and links them brilliantly with Scale bridges.

DOWNLOAD THE PDF – Odo Aguntan(O.O.M IX) – Obioha Ogbonna


Now you have some music to spice up your Yoruba Collection. Don’t Enjoy Alone
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