Hymns Selection for the 1st Sunday of Lent, Year B (21 February 2021)


This is the first Sunday of the six-week season of Lent. Hymns in this period are typically more penitential / reflective – often in minor keys.

The Gloria is not sung, and the word “alleluia” is not used in hymns or prayers.


First: Genesis 9: 8-15

God explains the covenant with Noah and his descendants and every living creature …. that never again shall all flesh be cut off by the waters of a flood, and never again shall there be a flood to destroy the earth.” And the rainbow is a sign of this covenant..

Psalm: 24

  1. Your ways Lord are faithfulness and love for those who keep your covenant
  2. Lord make me know your ways
  3. Remember your mercy, Lord
  4. The Lord is good and upright.

Second: I Peter 3:18-22

Christ also suffered for sins once for all, in order to bring you to God. … Baptism now saves you … as an appeal to God for a good conscience, through the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Gospel: Mark 1:12-15

Jesus spends 40 days in the desert being tempted by the devil. Than after John was arrested, Jesus went to Galilee … saying, “The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God has come near; repent, and believe.”


  1. The desert.
  2. Encountering God. Confront the temptations in our lives.
  3. Struggling to live a life of doing what is good and right.
  4. Repentance.


  1. Be Still and Know
  2. Forty Days and Forty Nights
  3. Jesu Lover of My Soul
  4. Jesus Walked This Lonesome Valley
  5. Lead Us Heavenly Father, Lead Us
  6. Lord Jesus Think on Me
  7. Lord Who Throughout These Forty Days
  8. O Cross of Christ
  9. Songs of Thankfulness and Praise
  10. Take up Your Cross
  11. The Glory of These Forty Days
  12. From the River to the Desert – Duck
  13. Jesus, Tempted in the Desert – Stuempfle
  14. Keep we the Fast – Knox
  15. On Eagles Wings – Joncas
  16. Who put the Colours in the Rainbow – Booth

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