My story by Jude Nnam ( key C#)

  1. When I remember what you’ve done for me, my heart leaps for joy for there’s none like you,
    when I remember that you died for me, my heart leaps for joy for there’s none like you
    and so…REFRAIN:
    I will give you all I have ,
    receive God my offering to you,
    which I offer with my friends today…
    transform them and transform us
    purify them and purify us,
    in this sacrifice divine
    Always Lord, you know that
    I have given all I have..
  2. There was a time in life when I thought all was lost, Lord I am a living testimony of your love. //REFRAIN
    You changed my story of woes to joy, Lord I am a living testimony of your Love
    ans so …. //REFRAIN
  3. Many cannot see, many cannot hear,  I am blessed with these glory be to God,
    Many have no food many have no home I am blessed with these glory be to God
    and so…//REFRAIN
  4. I will tell this story to my neighbors, I will tell this story to all my friends,
    I will sing for you, I will praise your name, I will dance  for you for there’s none like you
    and so..//REFRAIN

    Download Audio Here
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241 thoughts on “My story by Jude Nnam ( key C#)

      1. Oh God I have been searching for this song. Loved it so much but don’t know how to sing it or the letters. Just tried searching it now and behold there it is. Please kindly forward me the song together with the solfa notation to my email. God bless and prosper you abundantly for you have really done so much for His Church.

      2. please i from congo brazzaville i would like have the note sheet music or partition for plays back and i believe in God my e-mail is mouhani2018eddy@gmail .com. thanks.

    1. This song really makes my day whenever I listen to it. It touches the whole being. Please I will need the audio I want to download it . I will be grateful if I can it.

          1. My mum is seriously asking me to send her Catholic songs especially this one. How can I download this and more please?

      1. My brother good morning. Please how can I get the copy of YOU ARE A PRIEST CHOSEN BY GOD AS AMBASSADOR OF CHRIST composed by Jude Nnam

      1. Hello. Could you be kind enough as to share the song (My story). Please The audio of it as I wish to have it on my phone. Thanks

    1. Hello Jo!

      I don’t have Audio of “Lord I come” but I have “My Story”. Would you like to get the copies of both songs as well? I will send to your mail.

  1. Pls admin,can u do me a favour by sending as many songs as possible by sir Jude Nnam with solfa notations to my mail.
    I will be grateful is my request is granted.

    1. It’s better you list the ones you really want so I don’t end up sending the ones you already have.

  2. Thanks admin I don’t have any of the songs right now bc I relocated without my scripts. Pls,send me as many as you can lay ur hands on. Thanks and God bless u

    1. Good day admin,thanks for the great assistance u v been rendering to us young choristers. Pls send me solfa notation of ur entrance,Gloria n communion songs that r Igbo. Please help me

  3. pls help send as many of d songs to me on
    please I would like to lay more emphasis on SATB sheet music files. Thereafter, you may then send the MP3 files.
    Songs like Sai Kuzo, Yaya na Allah, and other Ibo songs will be highly appreciated. Thanks again

  4. Nice one, Pls how can I download the full song to my phone. I also need other songs from Sir Jude. Thanks

  5. Good day,
    please can I get the solfas and mp3 download of Jude Nnam’s songs? All of them please.
    Thank you!

    1. I so love this song, pls can I get either the audio or video version of this song or anyhow. please I will really appreciate. Thanks a lot

  6. Admin pls how do I download ‘My Story And ‘My hiding Place? Pls kindly send me as many of bro Jude Nnam’s song as possible. Thank you and God bless you.

    1. Sorry oo, the near-classical song in Hausa that I have is “Shine Ubangiji”. Although it’s not classical but that’s what I have.

  7. Please send the song My Story by Jude Nnam to my email. Thank you so much. Heart warming song I love singing it but have problem with the 2nd verse.

  8. please admin send me story in sopha notations to my email my choir wants to practice it ahead of our upcoming harvest come end of this month.ASAP.THANK YOU

  9. Pleases send me story by Jude Nnam in sopha notes to my mail, we want to practice it ahead of our upcoming harvest at the end of this month.ASAP thank you

  10. Good morning admin, pls I would like to ask for the lyrics of the songs ” King Jesus is wonderful” & ” O lord receive our offerings which we offer to you” by Bro. Jude Nnam

  11. Please I need the audio of this song, and also if you have Ubangiji kaimanajinkai, and deeper in love, I will appreciate.

  12. good day admin,
    I appreciate ur relentless efforts in helping with requested songs. I requested for sir Jude’s songs(as many as u have) with solfas but I have nt seen any for the past 3 months. Thanks

  13. Hello Admin, pls I need My story, my hiding place, kambanile toogi and many other Jude Nnam’s songs in solfa notes Pls.

  14. Admin pls send me the MP3 of MY STORY, Deeper in Love, yak itoro, kime sese bofi( ijaw hymn) and any other igbo hymns available, even those from Lawrence iwu

  15. Good evening admin, please i so much love this song, the audio version of ”MY STORY” I would be grateful if you would kindly forward it to me too. thanks and God bless you.

  16. Good day sir, I have goose pumps everything I hear this song- it touches my soul. God bless you richly for this. Please how can I download it?

  17. Ancestor! God has blessed you for this generation and will keep blessing you! You will continue to walk with Him.
    Kindly send downloadabl; Jesus Aha na atom uto and My story to my email. Thanks so much God bless you!

  18. Sir I am so happy and filled with hope each time I play your songs they are really devine.
    i pray that the good Lord will continue to keep you strong and fill you with wisdom of praise. I am really over joyed each time I listen to Somtoo Chukwu, My stoy,Wispering hope. these are my favourites. please can i get a copy of Agnus Dei. if possible with souds.
    thank you and always remain blessed

  19. please admin, I’ll forever remain a happy soul if I can get the audio of: “deeper in love”, “my story” and “when I remember that you died for me”. God bless your good works

  20. Wow! Thanks for posting this. The song is very lovely & inspiring. I would love to have the audio; kindly send it to me since there is no provision to download it. Keep up the good work & may God bless you.

  21. Sir,pls i need my story nd oder jude nnam song i dont have any of them pls snd me as much as u can.thank you sir

  22. Kudos admin. Please can u send a copy of this beautiful piece and the mp3 to my mail? I’d be very grateful. Weldone

  23. Admin. Good morning. Kindly send me the mp3 of Jude Nnam’s ‘my story’. It’s an indeed life touching song. Thanks

  24. You are a blessing to the world Jude.I believe God will also bless you because you have used your talent to bless others.I Will also need the song .My story to my email.thx

  25. Please Adminmay i have the music sheet of this song.
    And please do you have the music sheet for RECEIVE OUR GIFT.
    Thanks in anticipation

  26. Thank you for this music. Kindly send me mp3 for My Story and deeper in love. God bless you

  27. Pls how do I download My story song on my phone?
    God bless Jude Nnam. I sang this song through my sleep today and woke up with the song on my lips…

  28. Thank you so much Sir for these songs. Please can u send the mp3 of this song and kosisochuku to me. Thanks

  29. Chai, what a lovely and heart melting song. I thank you Jesus who his mercy endureth forever.

  30. Please forward to me a copy of the story of my life (when I remember what you have done for me)

  31. I am dying for your songs sir, but I badly need copies of my story and in love with Jesus with solfa notation

  32. Biko, who took my bishop stick in the whatsapp group. The group is reported to be full after my being away for awhile due to missing phone. Biko, admin, do something o. I can’t fit shout. I have missed Bruno wonders, Florence, Benny and others enough o…. 08066678283
    Meanwhile, I would appreciate I you can forward the audios of: Deeper in love, My Story, Ojima chei ojo ki..

  33. Biko, who took my bishop stick in the whatsapp group. The group is reported to be full after my being away for awhile due to missing phone. Biko, admin, do something o. I can’t fit shout. I have missed Bruno wonders, Florence, Benny and others enough o…. 08066678283
    Meanwhile, I would appreciate I you can forward the audios of: Deeper in love, My Story, Ojima chei ojo ki..

    1. We really missed you oo. The problem now is that the group is full. I will forward the group invite link to you on WhatsApp so that if anyone leaves, you will replace the person.

  34. Please, I need my story, deeper in love and kosisoChukwu.
    The WhatsApp group is full.
    Thank you, Admin.

  35. Please sir, can you send me “when I remember what you’ve done for me my heart leaps for joy…” song sir.

  36. Nice hymn sir. Heart touching lyrics. I will love to get the sofa note so i can flow with the lyrics to the end. I can only sing the verse 1 of it and the Refrain. Thanks for your co-operation in anticipation.

  37. I love this song, bet please can i get d audio of it and that of take me deeper in love with their sofa notation

  38. May God continue bless Jude Nnam and to all Catholic choirs all over the world who with good voices make us happy. Thanks so much for bringing this to us here. If it is permitted, pls send me the audio. Its spiritually inspiring.

  39. Can I get the solfa and mp3 of ”The servant of God’s people”.
    God the father, hear my cry, blessed saviour touch my heart, Holy Spirit of…

  40. I love this song much that it always defines my day. Please admin send the song to me as well as deeper in love. May the Good Lord continue to bless u

  41. Took me more than a year to know d words in dis song Am glad for the use of projectors in our catholic churches today and i googled…plz i need to download someone shld help a sister out…God bless

  42. Please sir, I love your work alot. Am a Ugandan and choir master in my Church. Please could you send me spei collection to my email. Gloria spei, Kyrie spei, Sanctus spei and Agnus spei. Thanks.

  43. please sir can you send me Sir Jude Nnam’s hymns so i can be playing it on my phone please sir, i love them

    1. That’s a very big task. Unless you want to pay for that. It’s his intellectual property. You can request for seperate songs that I can send, not all his works

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