Pannis angelicus
Fit panis hominum
Dat panis coelicus
Figuris terminum
O res mirabilis
Manducat dominum
Pauper, pauper
Servus et humilis
Pauper, pauper
Servus et humilis
Pannis angelicus
Fit panis hominum
Dat panis coelicus
Figuris terminum
O res mirabilis
Manducat dominum
Pauper, pauper
Servus et humilis
Pauper, pauper
Servus et humilis
This is Hail Mary in Etsako Language of Edo state titled “IRUELE MARIA”
Composed by one of the most inspiring composers of 2018,
Kindly Enjoy, share and edify the Marian month with this great music.
The Lord is my shepherd
There is nothing i shall want
He leads me to restful waters
He Revives my soul
Psalms 23:1,2b,3a
“Like a shepherd he tends his flock:
he gathers the lambs in his arms,
he carries them away in his bosom,
gently leading those that are with young.”
– Isaiah 40:11
Like sheep led to the grave,
they have death as their shepherd and ruler;
in the world of the dead, which is their home
Psalms 49:15
A solo taken by Kimi
Maria n’iye Jesu ruese….
There is non like Jesus, there was none and there’ll be none, His glory and honor sound while ages roll….
It pays to serve Jesus, I speak from my heart…
Lord make us instrument of your peace..
As the Deer panteth for the running water, so my soul longs after you….